MARCH 27, 2020 (NYC)– The current Global Pandemic has impacted the world in ways that modern civilization has never experienced. Amidst all of the chaos, concerns, and fear the business and social world has been put on “pause” in order to slow the spread of the virus. For many Americans, and New Yorkers, in particular, they have sensibly retreated to their homes, under self or mandated quarantine to wait out the decline of this pandemic. However, certain groups have had no choice but to risk their health and safety in order to perform certain essential functions needed to help their fellow citizens. These groups include the health care workers, the uniformed service people, and the transit workers. We thank them for their sacrifice.
There is another group whose noble efforts can not be ignored. A group whose sacrifice and modesty is worthy of recognition. Those individuals are the men and women of the food supply chain. These brave and self-less individuals have put themselves in harms way in order to make sure that, even during this chaotic time, that the supply of food and beverages to individuals and families does not get interrupted. These extraordinary individuals leave their homes every day and ride mass transportation, expose themselves to the crowded supermarkets, work tirelessly, and do not complain- all for the sake of others.
These heroes include, but are not limited to the Food Manufacturers, the truckers, the delivery workers, the market workers, the cashiers, and so many others that make sure that on top of the current stresses on American families that they don’t need to worry about whether or not there will be food available for them to sustain them until the crisis is over.
At Davidovich Bakery we thank our brave workers and partners for their sacrifice and, during this time of crisis, we appreciate your sacrifice. You are the unsung heroes of the pandemic for certain.